
I’m an enterprise product designer
Based in Seattle.

Recent Experience

Verified Shipment Manifest

B2C | Order Management | Flexport | 2023

Buyers need to reconcile and confirm everything they ordered from a shipper was included in a shipment? This service design project builds client trust by digitizing packing lists and verifying purchase orders for Buyers.

Self-Service Freight Marketplace

B2C | Discovery-Concept | Flexport | 2022

Shopping for freight forwarding quotes is time-intensive for logistics managers. This project explored e-commerce solutions to enable merchants to discover and book freight services faster than before.

Flexport App on Shopify

B2C | Zero to One | Flexport | 2022

Shopify merchants shipping products to U.S. customers can now choose the best ocean freight services for their business with Flexport.

Invoice Imaging

B2B | Discovery-ConceptOracle | Oracle | 2021

Process invoices faster with better data quality. This research and interaction design project explores novel interactions to increase invoice processing speeds using Optical Character Recognition (ORC) technology.

Previous Experience

UX Internship Design Curriculum

Internal Training | Oracle | 2021

Oracle Design wants to set the next generation of designers from across the US up for success during and after their Oracle Design Internship. I created the training curriculum leveraging internal expertise to give early-in-career designers a strong foundation for their amazing careers.

Data Transform Pipeline

B2B | App Redesign | Apptio | 2016

Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) need to know how much money their company spends on IT services. This project created a data loading and standardization experience, so CFOs have correct, accurate, and timely data to drive decision making about their technology portfolios.

Adjusting Vertical Road Alignments

Superelevating Curves on Roads

Drawing Road Alignments

Spective Color Picker

Want to Learn More?

Shoot me an email! Let’s discuss your questions, comments, and organizational needs.